ChromatogramExtractor Class Reference

The ChromatogramExtractor extracts chromatograms from a spectra file. More...

#include <OpenMS/ANALYSIS/OPENSWATH/ChromatogramExtractor.h>

Inheritance diagram for ChromatogramExtractor:
Collaboration diagram for ChromatogramExtractor:

Public Types

typedef ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::ExtractionCoordinates ExtractionCoordinates
- Public Types inherited from ProgressLogger
enum  LogType { CMD , GUI , NONE }
 Possible log types. More...

Public Member Functions

template<typename ExperimentT >
void extractChromatograms (const ExperimentT &input, ExperimentT &output, OpenMS::TargetedExperiment &transition_exp, double mz_extraction_window, bool ppm, TransformationDescription trafo, double rt_extraction_window, const String &filter)
 Extract chromatograms defined by the TargetedExperiment from the input map and write them to the output map. More...
void extractChromatograms (const OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr input, std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &output, const std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &extraction_coordinates, double mz_extraction_window, bool ppm, const String &filter)
 Extract chromatograms at the m/z and RT defined by the ExtractionCoordinates. More...
void extractChromatograms (const OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr input, std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &output, const std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &extraction_coordinates, double mz_extraction_window, bool ppm, double im_extraction_window, const String &filter)
 Extract chromatograms at the m/z and RT defined by the ExtractionCoordinates. More...
template<typename SpectrumT >
void extract_value_tophat (const SpectrumT &input, const double mz, Size &peak_idx, double &integrated_intensity, const double extract_window, const bool ppm)
template<typename SpectrumT >
void extract_value_bartlett (const SpectrumT &input, const double mz, Size &peak_idx, double &integrated_intensity, const double extract_window, const bool ppm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProgressLogger
 ProgressLogger ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~ProgressLogger ()
 Destructor. More...
 ProgressLogger (const ProgressLogger &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
ProgressLoggeroperator= (const ProgressLogger &other)
 Assignment Operator. More...
void setLogType (LogType type) const
 Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE! More...
LogType getLogType () const
 Returns the type of progress log being used. More...
void setLogger (ProgressLoggerImpl *logger)
 Sets the logger to be used for progress logging. More...
void startProgress (SignedSize begin, SignedSize end, const String &label) const
 Initializes the progress display. More...
void setProgress (SignedSize value) const
 Sets the current progress. More...
void endProgress (UInt64 bytes_processed=0) const
void nextProgress () const
 increment progress by 1 (according to range begin-end) More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void prepare_coordinates (std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &output_chromatograms, std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &coordinates, const OpenMS::TargetedExperiment &transition_exp, const double rt_extraction_window, const bool ms1=false, const int ms1_isotopes=0)
 Prepare the extraction coordinates from a TargetedExperiment. More...
static void prepare_coordinates (std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &output_chromatograms, std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &coordinates, const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &transition_exp_used, const double rt_extraction_window, const bool ms1=false, const int ms1_isotopes=0)
template<typename TransitionExpT >
static void return_chromatogram (const std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &chromatograms, const std::vector< ChromatogramExtractor::ExtractionCoordinates > &coordinates, TransitionExpT &transition_exp_used, SpectrumSettings settings, std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &output_chromatograms, bool ms1, double im_extraction_width=0.0)
 This converts the ChromatogramPtr to MSChromatogram and adds meta-information. More...

Private Member Functions

template<class SpectrumSettingsT , class ChromatogramT >
void prepareSpectra_ (SpectrumSettingsT &settings, std::vector< ChromatogramT > &chromatograms, OpenMS::TargetedExperiment &transition_exp)
 This populates the chromatograms vector with empty chromatograms (but sets their meta-information) More...
bool outsideExtractionWindow_ (const ReactionMonitoringTransition &transition, double current_rt, const TransformationDescription &trafo, double rt_extraction_window)
int getFilterNr_ (const String &filter)
void populatePeptideRTMap_ (OpenMS::TargetedExperiment &transition_exp, double rt_extraction_window)

Static Private Member Functions

template<typename TransitionExpT >
static String extract_id_ (TransitionExpT &transition_exp_used, const String &id, int &prec_charge)
 Extracts id (peptide sequence or compound name) for a compound. More...

Private Attributes

std::map< OpenMS::String, double > PeptideRTMap_

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ProgressLogger
LogType type_
time_t last_invoke_
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ProgressLogger
static int recursion_depth_

Detailed Description

The ChromatogramExtractor extracts chromatograms from a spectra file.

It will take as input a set of transitions coordinates and will extract the signal of the provided map at the product ion m/z and retention time (rt) values specified by the extraction coordinates. There are two interfaces, the old interface will take a full TargetedExperiment and assume that one wants to extract at the m/z of the transitions present in the TargetedExperiment. The new interface (see also the ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm class) only expects a set of coordinates which are up to the user to fill but a convenient prepare_coordinates function is provided to create the coordinates for the most common case of an MS2 and MS1 extraction.

In the case of MS2 extraction, the map is assumed to originate from a SWATH (data-independent acquisition or DIA) experiment.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ExtractionCoordinates

Member Function Documentation

◆ extract_id_()

static String extract_id_ ( TransitionExpT &  transition_exp_used,
const String id,
int &  prec_charge 

Extracts id (peptide sequence or compound name) for a compound.

transition_exp_usedThe transition experiment used as input (is constant) and either of type LightTargetedExperiment or TargetedExperiment
idThe identifier of the compound or peptide
prec_chargeThe charge state of the precursor

◆ extract_value_bartlett()

void extract_value_bartlett ( const SpectrumT &  input,
const double  mz,
Size peak_idx,
double &  integrated_intensity,
const double  extract_window,
const bool  ppm 
: TODO deprecate this function (use ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm instead)

◆ extract_value_tophat()

void extract_value_tophat ( const SpectrumT &  input,
const double  mz,
Size peak_idx,
double &  integrated_intensity,
const double  extract_window,
const bool  ppm 
: TODO deprecate this function (use ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm instead)

◆ extractChromatograms() [1/3]

void extractChromatograms ( const ExperimentT &  input,
ExperimentT &  output,
OpenMS::TargetedExperiment transition_exp,
double  mz_extraction_window,
bool  ppm,
TransformationDescription  trafo,
double  rt_extraction_window,
const String filter 

Extract chromatograms defined by the TargetedExperiment from the input map and write them to the output map.

inputThe input spectra from which to extract chromatograms
outputThe output vector in which to store the chromatograms
transition_expThe extraction coordinates (m/z, RT, ion mobility)
mz_extraction_windowExtracts a window of this size in m/z dimension (e.g. a window of 50 ppm means an extraction of 25 ppm on either side)
ppmWhether mz windows in in ppm
trafoA transformation description for RT space
rt_extraction_windowExtracts a window of this size in RT dimension (e.g. a window of 600 seconds means an extraction of 300 seconds on either side)
filterWhich filter to use (bartlett or tophat)
: it will replace chromatograms in the output map, not append to them!
: TODO deprecate this function (use ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm instead)

References TargetedExperiment::getTransitions(), TransformationDescription::invert(), OpenMS::Constants::k, and TargetedExperiment::sortTransitionsByProductMZ().

◆ extractChromatograms() [2/3]

void extractChromatograms ( const OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr  input,
std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &  output,
const std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &  extraction_coordinates,
double  mz_extraction_window,
bool  ppm,
const String filter 

Extract chromatograms at the m/z and RT defined by the ExtractionCoordinates.

inputThe input spectra from which to extract chromatograms
outputThe output vector in which to store the chromatograms (needs to be of the same length as the extraction coordinates, use prepare_coordinates)
extraction_coordinatesThe extraction coordinates (m/z, RT, ion mobility)
mz_extraction_windowExtracts a window of this size in m/z dimension (e.g. a window of 50 ppm means an extraction of 25 ppm on either side)
ppmWhether mz windows in in ppm
filterWhich filter to use (bartlett or tophat)
: whenever possible, please use this ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm implementation

References ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::extractChromatograms().

◆ extractChromatograms() [3/3]

void extractChromatograms ( const OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr  input,
std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &  output,
const std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &  extraction_coordinates,
double  mz_extraction_window,
bool  ppm,
double  im_extraction_window,
const String filter 

Extract chromatograms at the m/z and RT defined by the ExtractionCoordinates.

inputThe input spectra from which to extract chromatograms
outputThe output vector in which to store the chromatograms (needs to be of the same length as the extraction coordinates, use prepare_coordinates)
extraction_coordinatesThe extraction coordinates (m/z, RT, ion mobility)
mz_extraction_windowExtracts a window of this size in m/z dimension (e.g. a window of 50 ppm means an extraction of 25 ppm on either side)
ppmWhether mz windows in in ppm
im_extraction_windowExtracts a window of this size in ion mobility
filterWhich filter to use (bartlett or tophat)
: whenever possible, please use this ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm implementation

References ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::extractChromatograms().

◆ getFilterNr_()

int getFilterNr_ ( const String filter)
: TODO deprecate this function (use ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm instead)

◆ outsideExtractionWindow_()

bool outsideExtractionWindow_ ( const ReactionMonitoringTransition transition,
double  current_rt,
const TransformationDescription trafo,
double  rt_extraction_window 
: TODO deprecate this function (use ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm instead)

◆ populatePeptideRTMap_()

void populatePeptideRTMap_ ( OpenMS::TargetedExperiment transition_exp,
double  rt_extraction_window 
: TODO deprecate this function (use ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm instead)

◆ prepare_coordinates() [1/2]

static void prepare_coordinates ( std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &  output_chromatograms,
std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &  coordinates,
const OpenMS::TargetedExperiment transition_exp,
const double  rt_extraction_window,
const bool  ms1 = false,
const int  ms1_isotopes = 0 

Prepare the extraction coordinates from a TargetedExperiment.

Will fill the coordinates vector with the appropriate extraction coordinates (transitions for MS2 extraction, peptide m/z for MS1 extraction). The output will be sorted by m/z.

output_chromatogramsAn empty vector which will be initialized correctly
coordinatesAn empty vector which will be filled with the appropriate extraction coordinates in m/z and rt and sorted by m/z (to be used as input to extractChromatograms)
transition_expThe transition experiment used as input (is constant)
rt_extraction_windowIf non-negative, full RT extraction window, centered on the first RT value (rt_end - rt_start will equal this window size). If negative, rt_end will be set to -1 and rt_start to 0 (i.e. full RT range). If NaN, exactly two RT entries are expected
  • the first is used as rt_start and the second as rt_end.
ms1Whether to extract for MS1 (peptide level) or MS2 (transition level)
ms1_isotopesNumber of isotopes to include in coordinates when in MS1 mode
Exception::IllegalArgumentif RT values are expected (depending on rt_extraction_window) but not provided

◆ prepare_coordinates() [2/2]

static void prepare_coordinates ( std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &  output_chromatograms,
std::vector< ExtractionCoordinates > &  coordinates,
const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment transition_exp_used,
const double  rt_extraction_window,
const bool  ms1 = false,
const int  ms1_isotopes = 0 

◆ prepareSpectra_()

void prepareSpectra_ ( SpectrumSettingsT &  settings,
std::vector< ChromatogramT > &  chromatograms,
OpenMS::TargetedExperiment transition_exp 

◆ return_chromatogram()

static void return_chromatogram ( const std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &  chromatograms,
const std::vector< ChromatogramExtractor::ExtractionCoordinates > &  coordinates,
TransitionExpT &  transition_exp_used,
SpectrumSettings  settings,
std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &  output_chromatograms,
bool  ms1,
double  im_extraction_width = 0.0 

This converts the ChromatogramPtr to MSChromatogram and adds meta-information.

It sets 1) the target m/z 2) the isolation window (upper/lower) 3) the peptide sequence 4) the fragment m/z 5) the meta-data, e.g. InstrumentSettings, AcquisitionInfo, sourceFile and DataProcessing 6) the native ID from the transition 7) ion mobility extraction target and window (lower/upper)

References ChromatogramSettings::BASEPEAK_CHROMATOGRAM, OpenSwathHelper::computeTransitionGroupId(), OpenSwathDataAccessHelper::convertToOpenMSChromatogram(), SpectrumSettings::getAcquisitionInfo(), ChromatogramSettings::getDataProcessing(), SpectrumSettings::getDataProcessing(), SpectrumSettings::getInstrumentSettings(), SpectrumSettings::getPrecursors(), SpectrumSettings::getSourceFile(), ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::ExtractionCoordinates::id, ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::ExtractionCoordinates::ion_mobility, ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::ExtractionCoordinates::mz, ChromatogramSettings::SELECTED_REACTION_MONITORING_CHROMATOGRAM, ChromatogramSettings::setAcquisitionInfo(), Precursor::setCharge(), ChromatogramSettings::setChromatogramType(), Precursor::setDriftTime(), Precursor::setDriftTimeWindowLowerOffset(), Precursor::setDriftTimeWindowUpperOffset(), ChromatogramSettings::setInstrumentSettings(), Precursor::setIsolationWindowLowerOffset(), Precursor::setIsolationWindowUpperOffset(), MetaInfoInterface::setMetaValue(), Peak1D::setMZ(), Product::setMZ(), ChromatogramSettings::setNativeID(), ChromatogramSettings::setPrecursor(), ChromatogramSettings::setProduct(), and ChromatogramSettings::setSourceFile().

Member Data Documentation

◆ PeptideRTMap_

std::map<OpenMS::String, double> PeptideRTMap_