This is the complete list of members for Ribonucleotide, including all inherited members.
ANYWHERE enum value | Ribonucleotide | |
avg_mass_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
baseloss_formula_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
code_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
default_baseloss_ | Ribonucleotide | protectedstatic |
FIVE_PRIME enum value | Ribonucleotide | |
formula_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
getAvgMass() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getBaselossFormula() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getCode() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getFormula() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getHTMLCode() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getMonoMass() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getName() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getNewCode() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getOrigin() const | Ribonucleotide | |
getTermSpecificity() const | Ribonucleotide | |
html_code_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
isAmbiguous() const | Ribonucleotide | |
isModified() const | Ribonucleotide | |
mono_mass_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
name_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
new_code_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
NUMBER_OF_TERM_SPECIFICITY enum value | Ribonucleotide | |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Ribonucleotide &ribo) | Ribonucleotide | friend |
operator=(const Ribonucleotide &ribo)=default | Ribonucleotide | |
operator==(const Ribonucleotide &ribonucleotide) const | Ribonucleotide | |
origin_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
Ribonucleotide(const String &name="unknown ribonucleotide", const String &code=".", const String &new_code="", const String &html_code=".", const EmpiricalFormula &formula=EmpiricalFormula(), char origin='.', double mono_mass=0.0, double avg_mass=0.0, enum TermSpecificityNuc term_spec=ANYWHERE, const EmpiricalFormula &baseloss_formula=default_baseloss_) | Ribonucleotide | |
Ribonucleotide(const Ribonucleotide &ribo)=default | Ribonucleotide | |
RibonucleotideDB class | Ribonucleotide | friend |
setAvgMass(double avg_mass) | Ribonucleotide | |
setBaselossFormula(const EmpiricalFormula &formula) | Ribonucleotide | |
setCode(const String &code) | Ribonucleotide | |
setFormula(const EmpiricalFormula &formula) | Ribonucleotide | |
setHTMLCode(const String &html_code) | Ribonucleotide | |
setMonoMass(double mono_mass) | Ribonucleotide | |
setName(const String &name) | Ribonucleotide | |
setNewCode(const String &new_code) | Ribonucleotide | |
setOrigin(char origin) | Ribonucleotide | |
setTermSpecificity(enum TermSpecificityNuc term_spec) | Ribonucleotide | |
term_spec_ | Ribonucleotide | protected |
TermSpecificityNuc enum name | Ribonucleotide | |
THREE_PRIME enum value | Ribonucleotide | |
~Ribonucleotide() | Ribonucleotide | virtual |