Constants.h File Reference
#include <OpenMS/config.h>
#include <string>
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 Main OpenMS namespace.
 Mathematical and physical constants namespace.


const std::string IM = "IM"
const std::string IonNames = "IonNames"
const std::string CONCAT_PEPTIDE = "concatenated_peptides"
const std::string LOCALIZED_MODIFICATIONS_USERPARAM = "localized_modifications"
const std::string MERGED_CHROMATOGRAM_MZS = "merged_chromatogram_mzs"
const std::string PRECURSOR_ERROR_PPM_USERPARAM = "precursor_mz_error_ppm"
const std::string FRAGMENT_ERROR_MEDIAN_PPM_USERPARAM = "fragment_mz_error_median_ppm"
const std::string FRAGMENT_ERROR_PPM_USERPARAM = "fragment_mass_error_ppm"
const std::string FRAGMENT_ERROR_DA_USERPARAM = "fragment_mass_error_da"
const std::string FRAGMENT_ANNOTATION_USERPARAM = "fragment_annotation"
const std::string PSM_EXPLAINED_ION_CURRENT_USERPARAM = "PSM_explained_ion_current"
const std::string MATCHED_PREFIX_IONS_FRACTION = "matched_prefix_ions_fraction"
const std::string MATCHED_SUFFIX_IONS_FRACTION = "matched_suffix_ions_fraction"
const std::string SPECTRUM_REFERENCE = "spectrum_reference"
const std::string ID_MERGE_INDEX = "id_merge_index"
const std::string TARGET_DECOY = "target_decoy"
const std::string DELTA_SCORE = "delta_score"
const std::string ISOTOPE_ERROR = "isotope_error"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_SCORE = "OpenPepXL:score"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_BETA_SEQUENCE = "sequence_beta"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_BETA_ACCESSIONS = "accessions_beta"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_POS1 = "xl_pos1"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_POS2 = "xl_pos2"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_POS1_PROT = "xl_pos1_protein"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_POS2_PROT = "xl_pos2_protein"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_TYPE = "xl_type"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_RANK = "xl_rank"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_MOD = "xl_mod"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_MASS = "xl_mass"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_TERM_SPEC_ALPHA = "xl_term_spec_alpha"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_XL_TERM_SPEC_BETA = "xl_term_spec_beta"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_HEAVY_SPEC_RT = "spec_heavy_RT"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_HEAVY_SPEC_MZ = "spec_heavy_MZ"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_HEAVY_SPEC_REF = "spectrum_reference_heavy"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_TARGET_DECOY_ALPHA = "xl_target_decoy_alpha"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_TARGET_DECOY_BETA = "xl_target_decoy_beta"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_BETA_PEPEV_PRE = "BetaPepEv:pre"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_BETA_PEPEV_POST = "BetaPepEv:post"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_BETA_PEPEV_START = "BetaPepEv:start"
const std::string OPENPEPXL_BETA_PEPEV_END = "BetaPepEv:end"
const std::string XFDR_FDR = "XFDR:FDR"
const std::string IIMN_BEST_ION = "best ion"
const std::string IIMN_ADDUCT_PARTNERS = "partners"
const std::string IIMN_ROW_ID = "row ID"
const std::string IIMN_ANNOTATION_NETWORK_NUMBER = "annotation network number"
const std::string ADDUCT_GROUP = "Group"
const std::string IIMN_LINKED_GROUPS = "LinkedGroups"
const std::string DC_CHARGE_ADDUCTS = "dc_charge_adducts"
const std::string NUM_OF_MASSTRACES = "num_of_masstraces"
const std::string NUM_OF_DATAPOINTS = "num_of_datapoints"
const std::string MSM_METABOLITE_NAME = "Metabolite_Name"
const std::string MSM_INCHI_STRING = "Inchi_String"
const std::string MSM_SMILES_STRING = "SMILES_String"
const std::string MSM_PRECURSOR_ADDUCT = "Precursor_Ion"
const std::string MSM_SUM_FORMULA = "Sum_Formula"
Mathematical constants.
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846
 PI. More...
const double E = 2.718281828459045235
 Euler's number - base of the natural logarithm. More...
double EPSILON = 1e-6
Chemical/physical constants.
const double ELEMENTARY_CHARGE = 1.60217738E-19
const double e0 = ELEMENTARY_CHARGE
 Elementary charge (alias) More...
const double ELECTRON_MASS = 9.1093897E-31
const double ELECTRON_MASS_U = 1.0 / 1822.8885020477
const double PROTON_MASS = 1.6726230E-27
const double PROTON_MASS_U = 1.0072764667710
const double C13C12_MASSDIFF_U = 1.0033548378
const double ISOTOPE_MASSDIFF_55K_U = 1.002371
const double NEUTRON_MASS = 1.6749286E-27
const double NEUTRON_MASS_U = 1.00866491566
const double AVOGADRO = 6.0221367E+23
const double NA = AVOGADRO
const double MOL = AVOGADRO
const double BOLTZMANN = 1.380657E-23
const double k = BOLTZMANN
const double PLANCK = 6.6260754E-34
const double h = PLANCK
const double GAS_CONSTANT = NA * k
const double R = GAS_CONSTANT
const double FARADAY = NA * e0
const double F = FARADAY
const double BOHR_RADIUS = 5.29177249E-11
const double a0 = BOHR_RADIUS
const double VACUUM_PERMITTIVITY = 8.85419E-12
const double VACUUM_PERMEABILITY = (4 * PI * 1E-7)
const double SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 2.99792458E+8
const double c = SPEED_OF_LIGHT
const double GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT = 6.67259E-11
const double FINE_STRUCTURE_CONSTANT = 7.29735E-3
Conversion factors
const double DEG_PER_RAD = 57.2957795130823209
const double RAD_PER_DEG = 0.0174532925199432957
const double MM_PER_INCH = 25.4
const double M_PER_FOOT = 3.048
const double JOULE_PER_CAL = 4.184
const double CAL_PER_JOULE = (1 / 4.184)
User parameters in spectra which have been annotated from subdirectories in SIRIUS workspace
const std::string SIRIUS_MZ = "mz"
const std::string SIRIUS_EXACTMASS = "exact_mass"
const std::string SIRIUS_EXPLANATION = "explanation"
const std::string SIRIUS_SCORE = "score"
const std::string SIRIUS_PEAKMZ = "peak_mz"
const std::string SIRIUS_ANNOTATED_SUMFORMULA = "annotated_sumformula"
const std::string SIRIUS_ANNOTATED_ADDUCT = "annotated_adduct"
const std::string SIRIUS_DECOY = "decoy"
const std::string SIRIUS_FEATURE_ID = "feat_id"