Experimental List
Class EGHTraceFitter
Needs further testing on real data. Note that the tests are currently also focused on testing the EGH as replacement for the gaussian.
Page Epifany
This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.
Page IDDecoyProbability
This util is deprecated and might behave not as expected!
Page IDPosteriorErrorProbability
This tool has not been tested thoroughly and might behave not as expected!
Page MaRaClusterAdapter
This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.
Page MRMPairFinder
This software is experimental and might contain bugs!
Page MzTabExporter
This algorithm and underlying format is work in progress and might change.
Page PercolatorAdapter
This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.
Page PSMFeatureExtractor
Parts of this tool are still work in progress and usage and input requirements or output might change. (multiple_search_engine, Mascot support)
Page SpecLibCreator
This Utility is not well tested and some features might not work as expected.
Page SpecLibSearcher
This TOPP-tool is not well tested and not all features might be properly implemented and tested.
Page SpectraMerger
This TOPP-tool is not well tested and not all features might be properly implemented and tested!
Class XFDRAlgorithm
This tool is work in progress and usage and input requirements might change.