ACTrie Member List

This is the complete list of members for ACTrie, including all inherited members.

ACTrie(uint32_t max_aaa=0, uint32_t max_mm=0)ACTrie
add_(const Index from, const AA edge)ACTrieprivate
addHits_(Index i, const size_t text_pos, std::vector< Hit > &hits) constACTrieprivate
addHitsSpawn_(Index i, const ACSpawn &spawn, const size_t text_pos, std::vector< Hit > &hits, const int current_spawn_depths) constACTrieprivate
addNeedle(const std::string &needle)ACTrie
addNeedles(const std::vector< std::string > &needles)ACTrie
addNeedlesAndCompress(const std::vector< std::string > &needles)ACTrie
createMMSpawns_(const Index i, const AA except_fromAA, const AA except_toAA, const AA except_edge, ACTrieState &state, const uint32_t aaa_left, const uint32_t mm_left) constACTrieprivate
createMMSubSpawns_(const ACSpawn &prototype, const AA except_fromAA, const AA except_toAA, const AA except_edge, ACTrieState &state) constACTrieprivate
createSpawns_(const Index i, const AA fromAA, const AA toAA, ACTrieState &state, const uint32_t aaa_left, const uint32_t mm_left) constACTrieprivate
createSubSpawns_(const ACSpawn &prototype, const AA fromAA, const AA toAA, ACTrieState &state) constACTrieprivate
findChildBFS_(const Index parent, const AA child_label) constACTrieprivate
findChildNaive_(Index parent, AA child_label)ACTrieprivate
follow_(const Index i, const AA edge) constACTrieprivate
followSpawn_(ACSpawn &spawn, const AA edge, ACTrieState &state) constACTrieprivate
getAllHits(ACTrieState &state) constACTrie
getMaxAAACount() constACTrie
getMaxMMCount() constACTrie
getNeedleCount() constACTrie
nextHits(ACTrieState &state) constACTrie
nextHitsNoClear_(ACTrieState &state) constACTrieprivate
setMaxAAACount(const uint32_t max_aaa)ACTrie
setMaxMMCount(const uint32_t max_mm)ACTrie
stepMaster_(const Index i, const AA edge, ACTrieState &state) constACTrieprivate
stepSpawn_(ACSpawn &spawn, ACTrieState &state) constACTrieprivate